Singing Guide: Julia Michaels feat. Niall Horan

Singing Guide: Julia Michaels feat. Niall Horan

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're inspired by Julia Michaels' style of singing and you would like to learn how to sing like her, we have some tips and resources that would help you master her unique vocal techniques.

Firstly, Julia Michaels has a unique vocal style that involves using breathy and airy tones to deliver her lyrics. To achieve such a sound, breath control is essential. Understanding and mastering your breathing technique is crucial for singing in general, and working on breathing exercises can help with this. Active and passive breathing are basic concepts that can help you understand good breathing technique. Check out our blog on breathing basics for more information.

Secondly, it's critical to understand proper vocal registers and how to transition between them seamlessly. Julia Michaels uses both chest and head voice effectively, as well as blending them to a mixed voice. Vocal registers can be tricky to understand initially, but our article on voice registers & vocal breaks simplifies the concept and makes it easy to follow. This article will help you learn to identify and practice your different vocal registers.

Thirdly, pay attention to your articulation when singing like Julia Michaels. Open mouth and throat play a significant role in delivering breathy and airy tones. You can learn more about the importance of proper mouth and throat position when singing in our open mouth & throat article.

Fourthly, a good choice of songs similar to Julia Michaels is necessary to practice singing in her style. Julia's Horan's "What A Time" is an excellent example of the type of song in which she showcases her vocal style. Our singing course has practice sessions that can help you improve your singing skills. Check out our Singing Beginners course for more details.

Fifthly, using a good vocal pitch monitor is highly advised when practicing singing skills. Our Vocal Pitch Monitor helps you see your pitch accuracy, allowing you to fine-tune your voice with both visual and auditory feedback.

Last but not least, take care of your overall vocal health by staying hydrated, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, and avoiding cigarettes. For more information on how to maintain your vocal health, check our vocal health article.

We believe our resources will help you learn to sing like Julia Michaels in no time. Best of luck and enjoy your practice!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.